Organizational design, research & data drives results 

Services Offered

Gallup’s 2022 State of the Workplace provides a sobering view of our work lives:  79% of global workers are emotionally detached at work or miserable. We can do better. At Philotimo-HR, we use organizational design, research & data for our modern work environment.

With the knowledge that we have of human behavior and workplaces, Philotimo-HR will partner with you to design, assess, review or build your HR function. We customize our efforts to fit your budget and ideal partnership. Whether it's hourly, or project based on retainer style work, we'll present a solution that fits your need.

Reimagined, we will focus on individuals, the community, and the environment using core human behavior-based principles. 


What We Do

We take a fractional services approach customizing our solutions based on what you need.  We are part of your team, working and advocating to amplify human capital.  We customize the services which may include the following:

Organizational Alignment

  • Needs Assessments
  • HR Technology stack, e.g. ATS, HRIS, L&D
  • Compensation and Rewards
  • Organizational Structure
  • Strategy
  • Mission, vision, & values

Recruitment & Retainment

  • Candidate sourcing strategies
  • Interviewing Process
  • Offers & I9 verification
  • Onboarding
  • Problem resolution within recruitment process, e.g. diversity in hires
  • Rewards, e.g. benefits and perks
  • Recognition


  • Performance Management
  • Coaching
  • Compensation approach/practices
  • Mediation
  • Investigations

We customize HR solutions that work for you and your organization.  The above list is not exhaustive and we have partners to help with services that may not be our areas of expertise.  If you have any questions please contact us for a 30-minute introductory discussion.

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