We believe in human excellence.

Our Approach

Our mission is to bring the Greek word Philotimo into every workplace we touch. Philotimo is not directly translated.  It is a way of living that incorporates honor, love of family & community, doing what is right, living beyond oneself, and a belief in the greater good.

Philotimo-HR uses a fractional services approach partnering with you as part of your team.  We customize the HR solutions you need, when you need them. We believe in human excellence. Work can - and should - be a place for people to thrive.  Philotimo-HR partners with organizations seeking to embrace meaningful change. Using human behavior principles we reimagine the workplace by focusing on:


The Individual:

The unique characteristics that you possess. Research demonstrates that if we use our unique strengths in the workplace 20% of the time it has a positive correlation to loving work.  


Work Community:

Our workplaces are a community of colleagues, clients, vendors, and partners. Promoting a healthy community enriches the life and practices of everyone involved.



The Environment:

Creating a workplace that inspires collaboration, wellness, and connection through organizational alignment with the systems, norms, and behaviors. We look to minimize efforts with negative or harmful effects.

What Makes Our Aproach Unique 


Using research and data on human behavior-based principles we are your partner in designing an environment that encourages divergent thinking, choice, autonomy, mastery, and intrinsic purpose to create alignment.


Offering 25 years of recruiting and HR leadership.  We have experience with a range of industries and sizes.  From Fortune 100 to start-ups.  We know what works and more importantly what does not. 


Research provides us with the information to implement different norms at work.  This requires a desire and courage to dismiss what is familiar in HR. We will help build - or change - the roots of HR.


HR should divorce itself from conformity.  Stop policies and practices that harm people.  Current models lead to fear, uncertainty and doing the bare minimum.  We are not in the assembly line business.


Many organizations create silence.  Many organizations think learning is lecturing.   We believe organizations are a community and seek to hear you.


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